Aperture Education Updates its Social & Emotional Learning Platform

Updates include a new dashboard to track high school student goals and challenges, and a single sign-on option for schools using Clever

Aperture Education, the leading provider of researched-backed social and emotional learning (SEL) assessments for K-12 schools, has updated its online platform to provide new tools for high school SEL, a single sign-on feature for schools using Clever, and faster, easier access to K-12 SEL data to help inform instruction. The updates to the platform make it easier for educators to get the insights they need to support their students and help districts determine the success of their SEL programs.

“Social and emotional learning programs are incredibly important for student success and the technology to support those programs should be intuitive and able to provide the specific data educators and administrators need at a glance,” said Jessica Adamson, CEO of Aperture Education. “We added functionality to our platform and integrated our assessment program with our new high school product so educators will have the information they need to support their students and their SEL programs this fall.”

The new platform continues to include all of the assessment capabilities, reporting, and strategies that have always been offered with Aperture’s SEL System. Teachers can use it to administer the DESSA-mini SEL screener or the full DESSA SEL assessment, track students’ results and progress over time, and access strategies to help strengthen students’ SEL competencies.

The platform updates include:

• A new dashboard for Aperture’s high school SEL tool, the Aperture Student Portal. Educators can use the dashboard to assign “challenges” to students or to student groups such as engaging in a gratitude activity or writing a letter to their future self. They can also view students’ scores on their self SEL-assessments and see what goals students have set for themselves – for example participating more in class, or improving their SAT/ACT scores – and their progress toward reaching those goals. Educators can view reports on the number of goals set and completed by students in a class, school, or district; and how many challenges have been issued and completed.

• Personalization of the Educator and Program Administrator Dashboards for each user who logs into the system. Program Administrators see real-time updates on their SEL rollout including number of students assessed and overall ratings. Color-coded bar charts make it easy to see at a glance how students are doing on various competencies.

• A New Rating Queue which shows in real-time which students have been assessed – putting a check mark next to names as the assessments are completed.

• A redesigned Data & Insights section which allows educators to apply filters to export the data they need. For instance, depending on their role, the user can retrieve and export SEL data for a student, a class, a school, or a district. The data can also be sorted and exported by grade level so users can see how students’ DESSA scores have changed over time. Once a teacher has identified specific competencies they would like to focus on for a student, they can go to the Growth Strategies section to find a comprehensive list of strategies to address that competency.

• A single sign-on feature which simplifies the log-in process for schools using Clever.

To view a video about the platform updates, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBfAEDcsF4k.

To learn more about Aperture Education, visit https://apertureed.com/.

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